AEM Smart Body

An Optimized Experience for your AEM Content Editors

SmartBody is an AEM component that replaces the standard rich text editor.  It provides editors a streamlined way to create or edit long form text within a page or experience fragment, saving editorial teams time and minimizing frustrations throughout the day.

AEM’s WYSIWYG editor is terrific for laying out pages, however, editing rich text with contextual images, videos, or other inline components requires multiple steps that are time consuming for editors.

SmartBody solves this problem by providing a single rich text dialog that allows an editor to edit all long form text components at once.  Placeholders for inline components used between paragraphs are displayed in the dialog, providing an easy way for editors to split/combine paragraphs, or move parts of text from one paragraph to another.  When long form text is saved, each paragraph of text is split into it’s own text component, making it easy to insert other inline components within the long form text.

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           DC AEM Meetup Organizers
          Certified AEM 6 Architects
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